Home:ALL Converter>Aggregating a MongoDB array only returning multiple element arrays

Aggregating a MongoDB array only returning multiple element arrays

Ask Time:2019-11-23T20:04:19         Author:Dallan Byrne

Json Formatter

I designed two mongoDB collections, one called accounts and the other called emails. I am trying to get the email address from 'accounts' in 'emails', for Sender, and Sent_To.


{"_id":"5dc1d4b273adfdeff818d2d0","email_Addr":"[email protected]"},
{"_id":"5dc335d8c2169ee670b8a80b","email_Addr":"[email protected]"},
{"_id":"5dc33492c2169ee670b8a80a","email_Addr":"[email protected]"},
{"_id":"5dc335d8c2169ee670b8a80e","email_Addr":"[email protected]"},
{"_id":"5dcac904fe0dcf9fc0183ee2","email_Addr":"[email protected]"}


{"_id":"5dcacb41fe0dcf9fc0183ee3","Sender":"5dc1d4b273adfdeff818d2d0","Subject":"[HR-888] Notice of official announcement","Sent_To":[{"receiver":"5dc335d8c2169ee670b8a80b"}]},
{"_id":"5dcacd6efe0dcf9fc0183ee4","Sender":"5dc33492c2169ee670b8a80a","Subject":"Happy New Year! Greetings for the New Year.","Sent_To":[{"Receiver":"5dc335d8c2169ee670b8a80e"},{"Receiver":"5dcac904fe0dcf9fc0183ee2"}]}

Using the following aggregate I managed to have it working for Sender, but when aggregating for Sent_To it only returns if there are more than one element in the array.

        from: "accounts", 
        localField: "Sender", 
        foreignField: "_id", 
        as: "SenderId" 
    $unwind: "$SenderId"
 { $lookup:
        from: "accounts", 
        localField: "Sent_To.Receiver", 
        foreignField: "_id", 
        as: "SentID" 
        _id: 1, 
        Sender: "$SenderId.email_Addr", 
        Subject: 1,  
        Sent_To: "$SentID.email_Addr", 


{ "_id" : ObjectId("5dcacb41fe0dcf9fc0183ee3"), "Subject" : "[HR-888] Notice of official announcement", "Sender" : "[email protected]", "Sent_To" : [ ] } //Should be Sent_To [ "[email protected]" ]
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5dcacd6efe0dcf9fc0183ee4"), "Subject" : "Happy New Year! Greetings for the New Year.", "Sender" : "[email protected]", "Sent_To" : [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ] }

Author:Dallan Byrne,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59007406/aggregating-a-mongodb-array-only-returning-multiple-element-arrays